Artificial Disc Replacement Canada
First I would like to say thank you again to Dr.Bertagnoli, the staff at ProSpine and the staff at Bogen hospital. You made this a very positive experience for both me and my wife. Not once did we feel uncomfortable being so far away from home. For once we were treated how a patient should be treated.
My problem started six years ago here in Canada. The pain started very mild but progressively became worse. Slowly taking away our life. Over those six years we struggled to get any support from our healthcare system for a solution to my problem. We were constantly told it could not be fixed.
We learned about ADR surgery from a physiotherapist that I was using at the time but we could not find a surgeon who would even meet with me to discuss the matter. I had 13 Canadian surgeons refuse to help me or even see me in their office. After a trip to the emergency room shortly before our trip to Germany I was finally offered a single level fusion leaving me with the three other levels damaged.
When we presented the solution offered by Dr.Bertagnoli to a leading ADR facility in Ontario I was told it wasn't possible and that when we got to Germany they would tell us I wasn't eligible for 4 level ADR but here I am with everything going as planned.
Everyday is becoming better than the last, the pain keeps decreasing, my mobility keeps improving and for once my back is feeling stronger. My family has even commented how much happier I am since the surgery.
I would highly recommend Dr.Bertagnoli to anyone who needs help with their back. If one of my kids ever ended up with a back condition ProSpine would be the first and only place we would contact.
If anyone has any further questions about our journey to Germany please feel free to email me at
Once again thank you for all of your help.
Brandon Cleverley
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