Prof. Dr. Bertagnoli's Pro Spine is present in medical institutions in Bogen. Surgery is done at the Bogen Area Municipal Hospital in Bogen, which is next door to the Pro Spine Clinic. This is a true Class 1 hospital in American parlance and with a German ADAC (emergency) facilities, because they have fully functional and fully staffed ER/Trauma facilities, which is an important safety feature to anyone, who has major surgery. Surgical centers do not have these facilities. Make sure that wherever you have spine surgery it is a true hospital and not a surgical center.


Bogen Hospital Pro Spine
Bogen Hospital - Bogen
Mussinanstraße 8
D-94327 Bogen, Germany
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Bertagnoli
Pro Spine sign Pro Spine Clinic
Pro Spine Office Pro Spine Clinic
Next to the Bogen Hospital
Mussinanstraße 6
D-94327 Bogen, Germany
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Bertagnoli